Everything You Should Know About Residential HVAC Systems

If you're a homeowner who hasn't thought about your HVAC system until you've faced a repair or replacement, you're not alone. Whether you want to know about specific products, how they work together or how residential HVAC systems enhance the comfort, health and efficiency of your home, there is a lot to know. Thankfully, you've come to the right place for HVAC education, including HVAC tips to increase your equipment's longevity, HVAC troubleshooting tips to fix issues yourself and YORK® HVAC maintenance to protect your investment.
YORK® residential HVAC equipment

HVAC Education

Before diving into HVAC 101, it's helpful to know what HVAC stands for — heating, ventilation and air conditioning. That means your home will be comfortable in any weather condition, hot summers, cold winters and everything in between. Additionally, HVAC systems are responsible for indoor air quality, so the air you breathe is clean, filtered and well circulated. 

Common HVAC equipment includes: 

  • Air conditioner: Removes heat and humidity from indoor air to provide cold air to the inside of your home
  • Heat pump: An air conditioner that contains a valve which allows for alternation between heating and cooling
  • Furnace: Uses natural gas, oil or electricity to heat the air inside your home
  • Air handler: The portion of a central air conditioning or heat pump system that moves heated or cooled air throughout a home's ductwork
  • Ductwork: Responsible for circulating the air around your home
  • Refrigerant: A cooling agent that absorbs heat and leaves cool air behind in an air conditioning system 
  • Thermostat: A device that detects temperature changes in order to maintain a consistent temperature in an enclosed space
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How HVAC Systems Work

Your HVAC system keeps your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. But there's a lot more HVAC education you need to know.

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HVAC Glossary

Learn about the most common HVAC terms so you can understand residential HVAC systems better.

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Improving Air Quality

Air quality is an important part of being comfortable in your home. Find indoor air quality tips and more.

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Understanding Energy Ratings

When you save energy, you also save money. Learn about different energy ratings, why they're important, and how they can make your home more efficient.

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